Inspired by the grace of Hibari Misora, the Hobari Bouquet features three soft blush standard roses nestled among a selection of delicate filler flowers. Set in a timeless cream ceramic vase, this arrangement captures a quiet elegance that will last for up to a year. A lasting reminder of beauty, with a subtle touch of vintage charm. Perfect for those who appreciate understated luxury and the enduring beauty of preserved florals.
Garden rose
Filler flowers
- Eucalyptus
Hibari comes in a grey and beige vase.
Please note, we may substitute flowers depending on seasonal availability - flowers selected will have a similar look and value to the original flowers.
Available for nationwide (UK) delivery.
This bouquet is in stock and available for delivery in 2-3 days. For urgent orders, please contact us
This bio preserved flower is long lasting - no need for water or maintenance.
For full flower care click here.
Long life fresh flowers bio preserved to bloom for up to 12 months in the vase.
Never dying, drying or wilting
No water, sun or maintenance needed
Never artificial or freeze-dried