Introducing the exquisite Billie bouquet, a harmonious blend of creams, reds and pinks that embodies sophistication. Named after the iconic Billie Jean King, this arrangement features the timeless beauty of roses, delicate charm of gardenias and the fragrant allure of pink lavender. Created in a footed porcelain vase, the two-sided shape is framed by the diverse and meticulously arranged foliage. Elevate your surroundings with the allure of this luxurious bouquet, a tribute to elegance and grace.
Standard roses
Garden Rose
Billie comes in a footed, white porcelain vase as pictured.
Please note, we may substitute flowers depending on seasonal availability - flowers selected will have a similar look and value to the original flowers.
Available for UK, UAE and US delivery.
This bouquet is hand arranged upon ordering so please allow 3-7 days for delivery. For urgent orders, contact us.
This bio preserved flower is long lasting - no need for water or maintenance.
For full flower care click here.
Long life fresh flowers bio preserved to bloom for up to 12 months in the vase.
Never dying, drying or wilting
No water, sun or maintenance needed
Never artificial or freeze-dried